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About Paulina

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-25 at 5.25.01 AM.
Say YES to wellness!

Customized weekly menus

Healthy dishes with the ingredients you love! Includes free assessment, cooking and delivery.

Wellness coaching

Customized plan to help you achieve your wellness goals (diet, exercise, peace of mind, self-growth).


Book your free assessment NOW!

Why 24.7 Healthy?​

Enjoying a healthy lifestyle is a right. Sharing it, an obligation.


The inspiration came last November, just after the tense presidential elections in the United States.

Negativity and intolerance were exacerbated in late 2020. Racial tensions, unemployment and the pandemic formed the perfect framework to put the country on the brink of collapse.

Personally, I felt tired, exhausted. I have always been and positive, and I refused to end 2020 with a pessimistic attitude. One day I woke up and decided to create 24.7 Healthy, a platform to promote a healthy lifestyle, beyond exercise and eating well.


24.7 Healthy wants to inspire positive changes through tips and habits I practice on a daily basis. 


We must lead by example. The pillars of 24.7 Healthy are the well-being of body, mind and spirit; gratitude and love for oneself. Habits, attitudes, thoughts, food… the number 24.7 reminds us that we must be healthy 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


This platform does not offer specific diets, "miracle" products, or an exercise regimen for weight loss: 24.7 Healthy is about sharing and motivating, apply what works for you so you can come up with you own definition of what it means to be healthy. What is irrefutable is that it takes discipline, will and a community to cheer us on. That is why 24.7 Healthy also focuses on self-knowledge, personal growth and meditation.


After a year like 2020, people yearn for peace, compassion, empathy, and here we are, ready to do our bit, to help and rebuild what was damaged and start over, stronger and healthier than ever.

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